Your Easy Way to Follow Eco Friendly Moving Tips

    With an environmental crisis hitting us, everybody should be more concerned over finding eco friendly alternatives. This applies with moving as well. A lot of what we all do is very damaging to the planet. However, there are ways you can reduce your carbon foot print. If you want an easy move that is eco friendly, you can! Eco friendly moving is possible. All you need is a little know-how and you can find that within this article.

So here are some very useful and easy steps to get you started so your move is eco friendly!

Clear up!
Take a look at what you have around you. Are there things you no longer use or want? Sell them or donate them if this is the case. There is no point in wasting space in the removal van if there’s a lot of things you no longer need. You can recycle the things that wouldn’t be worthy of donating or selling. You will notice a big difference once you have had a good clear out and reduced the amount of belongings you have. Plus, you will feel much clearer in the head!

Choose the best van or truck
The fewer trips that have to be taken to and from your home, the better it is for the environment. This is why, if you want an eco friendly house relocation, you need to choose the best van that fits your specific needs. Measure up all your belongings and make sure they all fit into one van. Then you will only have to make it one full trip. This is much less destructive to our eco system.

Conscious packing
Most of your packing materials can be recycled materials. You will find boxes in bins that are almost as good as new. You will also find an array of packing materials all around the house that will make your packing much more eco friendly. You probably have old paper, towels, and blankets and cloths lying around the house that would really come in useful when packing.

Green clean
You are going to be cleaning both your old home and your new home upon leaving and entering. Protect both your health and the environment by ensuring the cleaning products you use are environmentally friendly. There are many companies selling a variety of green cleaning products so they shouldn’t be too hard to get hold of.

Notify others of your move
Make a list of everybody that you need to notify of your move and of your address change. This saves packages coming to your old address and so forth. It just makes it a lot less hectic and more eco friendly because you won’t have to keep having things sent on to you. For the sake of a quick email, it is effective indeed.

Important documents and belongings
Keep all your important documents and other items on you at all times during the move. Do not leave it in the removal vehicle with all your stuff. It might be stolen or damaged. Do not take any chances. These items include your keys, passport, driver’s license, medication, any important documents, and expensive jewelry.

You can be a part of helping environmental deterioration if you become a more conscious consumer. Your move doesn’t have to damage the earth if you follow the steps above. Eco friendly moving is what more of us should be doing. It doesn’t take much and doesn’t cost much either, but the effects you will be making will be huge. It’s definitely worth doing!

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