Why Where You Live Means so Much

Sooner or later, everybody reaches a point in his or her life when she contemplates moving house. Because of need and necessity, or because of want and caprice, it matters little – the big thought process that goes on inside a person’s head at such a time is a debate whether they should act on that desire. The debate’s essence is in juxtaposing the idea of moving away to why you should not, and the latter argument’s strength comes from actually realising what your current home really means to you. Yes, you might think that you know – people seem to be very aware of such insights because of informative Facebook pics such as “Home is where your couch is” and “Home is where my beer is” – but that is merely definition of home. Have you ever asked yourself the question “What does my home mean to me?” People rarely do and that is exactly why some relocations feel like torture and once the removal van drops you off at the new place you feel stressed out and unready to cope with their new life. But don’t worry, that question generally comes with a few short answers.

The setting

Fear of the unknown is a common experience for everybody who ventures outside their comfort zone. Once you reach a new address, you feel anxious about living there and afraid of the unfamiliar surroundings. The familiarity of the comfort at home will seem more appealing than ever since home is the safest place you know. The safety of your own room, with the well-known environment where you spent so much time. Tearing away from it is never easy.

The people

Just like the environment, the people in your life are also something you often think about. Your home is full of the familiar faces of people you know, ones you know you can trust or ones that are unreliable – it doesn’t matter which, because you know. But you never know what to expect from strangers, and all the people you will meet at a new address are just that – strangers.

The routine

Living in one place for enough time will eventually lead to a routine you automatically follow. People don’t usually seek that routine, but it is inevitable and once it is established, they find safety in it. Doing the same thing day in and day out might be considered boring, but it is also considered secure, because people feel secure in their knowledge. Going outside that routine makes them anxious, takes them outside that comfort zone and you can feel that as soon as you reach for the yellow pages to look for moving companies.

Friends and family

But above all else, wherever you are, one thing is certain – that is where your friends and family are. Going away means acting on your own whim and leaving them behind – something not many people are willing to do. Nothing is more familiar than the pleasant faces of the people you know and the people you like and the people you want to be around for afternoon gossip or to discuss that awful game from last night, or just to spend time together doing whatever. Moving house means not being around them and getting used to not being around them can be different varieties of hard which nobody wants to deal with.

At the end of the day, moving away is sometimes necessary even if you simply have to prove to yourself that you can be your own man (or woman). It is important for the character development of a person and everybody should go through it at least once, but that never means to forget what you are leaving behind.

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