5 Tips For Moving Your Furniture

         When you move house, you also need to move your furniture. If you are wondering how to go about handling your furniture during the removal, keep on reading this article because you are going to find out the best way to move your furniture. If you can’t afford a professional furniture removals service, don’t worry about it. Most people can’t.

However, if you are going to approach the DIY, you need to know what you are doing.

Therefore, if you follow these top easy five tips, you could have the easiest furniture move you could wish for. Most people considering moving furniture a huge challenge. It doesn’t have to be though.

1. Decide which to take
It might sound ridiculous, but if you are moving to a new home, not all of your furniture might suit the house. Instead of wasting space and money, have a bit of clearout and decide which furniture you want to take and which not. Then you could give away, sell or donate your furniture.  Now you have a good starting point. 

2. Clean and clear
Some of your furniture might be things like dressing tables and wardrobes. If so, clear them out so there is nothing inside of them. 

3. Disassemble
Most of your furniture should be easy to disassemble. So make sure you do! When you disassemble furniture you save so much space in transit. When you save space, you save money too. So there are so many benefits to taking your furniture apart. Place each piece of furniture, once disassembled, into separate boxes and label each one. Then you will be able to take your furniture in boxes which is far more cost effective when you move.

4. Ask friends
Instead of hiring a furniture delivery company for help, ask friends. Most friends would be happy to help you move things and as long as you offer them the same help in return, it should be fine. Your friends will lend you a spare pair of hands which you will need when moving the remaining furniture that cannot be disassembled. You don’t want to cause yourself any damage by trying to do it all on your own. You will also need their help at the other end with reassembling furniture.

5. Package well
For the furniture that can’t be disassembled, you need to ensure it is packaged up well so they don’t get damaged and scratched during the journey. Each piece of furniture should be taped up well and padded up to ensure no breakage.

          Furniture removals don’t have to be too complicated during your removal as long as you abide by the five top tips stated above. This is a very easy and basic guide to ensuring your furniture arrives at your home safely without any damages. Most people adore their furniture and the last thing you want is to see any damages. Follow the simple steps above and your furniture will arrive safely with no damages.

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