Eco-Friendly Furniture Recycling

      When it comes to moving home, the question of what to do with your furniture can often be one of the most difficult which many people face. While some take their old sofas with them, it can often be more trouble than it’s worth, especially for those who live anywhere above the ground floor, or for those whose new flat will not suit or accommodate the old furniture. Rather than dumping or burning old pieces, there can be far more eco-friendly ways of getting rid of old furniture.

With new furniture likely to be expensive, it could be possible to sell your old items.

     Getting some money for these pieces now can be put towards new furniture or to the move itself. Be recouping some money now, it can either increase the amount you are able to spend in the future. If you cannot sell the old pieces, giving them away could well be an option, with many people in need of quality furniture. Both of these options can allow you to require whoever wants the furniture to have to pick it up, saving you the task of clearing it yourself.

    For those who do not want to sell or give away the items themselves, there are also fantastic ways in which you can recycle the furniture. Many charity shops would be delighted to receive a quality item, one which they can then sell and gift that money to a good cause. Likewise, many youth groups or charities themselves might be in need of furniture for offices and dwellings, but do not have the money to kit the place out themselves. Once you are able to get the furniture out of the door, there are many deserving causes which might appreciate the gift and giving the pieces to charity is a very eco-friendly option.

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