How Тo Мake Your Removals Eco Friendly

Be kind to the planet by ensuring your relocation is eco friendly. It is not as hard as some people think it will be. More and more people throughout the world are growing more aware of the issues our planet is facing and that’s why more and more people are acting more eco friendly. You see, your actions can affect the planet, either badly or positively. Obviously, you want to affect it positively. If you are unsure of how to make your removals green, keep on reading and you’ll see how easy it can be.

Clear out and recycle

Firstly, have a good and thorough clear out. So many people hoard so much stuff and buy so much stuff and in the end, you have mountains of belongings crammed in your rooms and your store cupboards. When you are moving house or office, you need to sort through all of your things and see which things you want and which you no longer use. What’s the point in hanging onto things you don’t ever use? Make a bag full of unwanted things and donate them, recycle them or give them to friends. Throwing them away into a bin: big no-no! You want to be eco friendly? Recycle or donate.

Recycle packing materials

If you move, make sure you hold on to those packing materials you used. Anything that could be used again – keep it. Not only will it be eco friendly, it will save you a lot of money too! That’s the great thing about being planet friendly – you save money too. If this is the first time you are moving, ask around for packing materials and ask your local shop for used boxes.

Shops are always eager to get rid of their stock boxes and whilst used, they are practically brand new.

Get creative

There’s so much lying around you home that you could use for packing your boxes. Things like socks, bedding, towels, and clothing can all be used for wrapping in the packing process. So use your imagine and let the creative juices flow!

Size up properly!

Once you have all your belongings packed and ready, size everything up and measure exactly the size of all of your things. If you are using a professional moving company, they will probably do this for you. You see, in order have an eco friendly move, you want to make sure your things are sized up so they fit in the van perfectly which will avoid making back and forth trips. Hence, wasting fuel.

Change your habits

Once the move is pretty much all over and you are at your new home, it’s time to start getting eco friendly. Add CFL or LED light bulbs to your new home. Unplug electrical devices when you are not using them so things like your phone chargers, should be unplugged when not in use. Recycle all the waste you’ve accumulated during and after your removals. And definitely consider installing solar panels on your roof – they’ll save you stacks of money too!

These are great and very easy ways to make your house removals smooth and simple, as well as green and eco friendly. Everybody should be doing their bit for the planet and you are no exception. So follow the above steps and get green! The planet, your health and the future generations will thank you.

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