3 Ways To Have A Cost Effective Student Move

        As students tend to have a tight budget, when it comes to tasks like moving, it can be a major drain on the bank balance. Students don’t usually have the money to pay for a professional service to transport their belongings to their dorm at university and college. However, what most students pine for is a cost effective move that is simple and stress free.

If you are interested in finding out how you, as a student, can afford an easy move on a tight budget, keep reading and follow these easy steps for a cost effective student move.

1. Pack for free
In order to move in the first place, your items are going to need to be packed well. Many make the mistake of not doing the packing properly but this is wrong. Most of the moves that go wrong start off this way with little thought to packing. You must remember that it is vital to pack well if you want a smooth removal. However, for you it probably isn’t an option hiring professional experts for help. You don’t need it when you have a lot of the materials lying about your house. For instance, newspaper, tape, cardboard and bubblewrap might be already around the house for you to use. As for boxes, which you are certainly going to need, contact shops and suppliers. Many people get rid of use boxes that are practically brand new.

2. Friends and family come in handy
Tell friends and family you will return the favour if they help you with your student move. Most will be more than willing to help. Or tell them you will help them in return with anything they need, or buy them a little gift. Having plenty of hands is always necessary for any move – the more hands, the better. You shouldn’t have to cope with it all on your own. There will be definitely kind people ready to help you.

3. Ask around for van hire
Of course, the kind of vehicle you will need depends largely on the quantity of goods you intend to move. If you are student, you most likely do not have stacks of stuff. If you only have a few boxes and bags, there is no point in forking out on a removal van. Instead, take it with your own car if you drive or ask a friend or family member and pay them the money for fuel. Otherwise, renting a van will be costly. The only way it would work out more cost effective is if you hired a man and van service. Ask around and see which company offers the best value for money. If you have a large group of friends, surely there will be someone who has moved before and they might be able to help you and make useful recommendations to you. Either way, it’s always a good idea to ask around and see what you can find.

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