Small Simple Steps Give You an Environmentally Friendly House Move

         There are a number of ways you can have an eco-friendlier house move and it doesn't take much to do this. It should begin as soon as you know for definite you're moving house. Make a list of everyone you need to notify and the sooner you have that list the better. It also means you will receive less mail through the letterbox and this can mean less junk mail which is better for the environment. When notifying people by post, you would naturally use notepaper, card and envelopes which are recyclable. If you really want to be as green as you can possibly be, you can deliver these letters to local addresses by cycling around the addresses and putting them through the letterbox and likewise go directly to places such as the doctor's or dentist's surgery.

       Packaging and packing is perhaps the most obvious way you can make your home move more environmentally friendly. Instead of buying new cardboard boxes you can use those of your friends and family, particularly when they get items delivered to them which are in packaging you can then use this yourself. This type of recycling all helps to give you a greener house moving day, not to mention the fact it saves you money.

Also, be creative with what you can use as packing materials whether it's towels, old newspaper or anything else that could be used as cushioning including cushions themselves.

        Another way to do your bit for the environment is to de-clutter your home as much as you can before moving day. The less you take with you can mean the removal truck you have has a lighter load and can therefore use less fuel and therefore cause less fuel emissions. You will also be recycling whether it's passing your unwanted items on to other people, be a charity shop or selling them online. One of the great beauties of recycling is that, often, you are not only helping the environment but helping yourself and also saving money at the same time.

       Also make sure that you pay particular attention to potential food waste in the build up to your moving day. This too can save you money because the main way to avoid chucking out a whole load of foodstuffs is to stop buying too much in the build up to your home moving day. Make a checklist of what you have in your cupboard and try to work out how long things will last and how you can make other foodstuffs last to the date of your move to the new property..

      Another small but significant way you can be greener is to use environmentally friendly cleaning products. These are readily available and when you're cleaning down your house, getting your present property ready for the next tenants, then using green cleaning products is one more way to make sure your house moving is as environmentally friendly as possible. Likewise, if you decide to hire a cleaning company, such as for end of tenancy cleaning, enquire about what products the company themselves use and if they use environmentally friendly products.

If not, you can go somewhere else because many cleaning companies do indeed use these greener products because the customers insist on them.

        Being environmentally aware often means taking these small steps which when added up together make a worthy difference to the environment. Moving home is one such time where you can take these small steps and be satisfied that you are doing everything you can to lessen your carbon footprint when moving home. You can personally also look back with some satisfaction and pride that when you moved home you did what you could for the environment.

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