5 Depressing Side Effects of Moving Abroad No One Tells You About

The idea of moving house abroad definitely sounds exciting, doesn’t it? A new place to see, a new world to visit, a new home with new things, new experiences and a new way to live your life. It almost seems like there are no bad sides to moving away, but that is hardly the case. In fact, sometimes the side effects of the relocation are devastating and may lead to depressions which you will have to deal with, and will prevent you from enjoying your new life. That is why you should spend much more time than a day thinking about whether you want to make such a move before starting to make arrangements with the removal company. Here are the reasons why you might hesitate before moving to another country.

1. Loneliness.
Loneliness appears on the very first night you spend alone in the new home. Think about it. You are alone in a new, unfamiliar place, with nobody you know around. You are an outsider around people who know just as little about you as you know about them, but the difference being that they have friends around to communicate their worries. Despite all the new faces around, you will feel extremely lonely until (and if) you start feeling used to the new place and meet new people who you can connect with.

2. Not fitting in.
You stepped out of your comfort zone, and kudos for that. But moving abroad may be a step too far for your own liking. Doing something you are not used to is one thing, but living in a place you are not used to is a whole other world. You are at a new location, where you don’t know anybody, and are not yet familiar with the customs and daily routines. You will feel alienated from the world and you will find it hard to get accustomed to your new life.

3. Losing friends.
Sure, before you went on looking for moving companies, your friends were all “Good for you! I envy you so much! We will keep in touch, right?” And keep in touch you would – for the first few weeks. After that, there will be a realization dawning upon your friends – you have gone away from their lives and they have to move on, because you will find a new life wherever you are right now.

The loss of friends can be quite the harsh experience

4. Guilt-stricken conscience.
Let’s face it; relocating abroad is a selfish move. You did it because you wanted a new life in a new place, and didn’t bother listening to any opposing views. Yes, people were happy for you, but you went and left and it is similar to turning your back on the ones you are leaving behind. For everybody with a conscience, that means feeling guilty every time you hear about something bad happening back in your home town, especially if you could have helped. “What ifs” will plague your mind, and will bring you down in seconds.

5. Nostalgia.
Nostalgia strikes you much earlier than you have expected. Maybe you thought that you’d like and would sink into your new life so fast that you won’t feel a single pang, but that is rarely the case. It is only natural to miss home, relatives, friends, and places you’ve grown accustomed to. Sooner or later the feeling that you don’t belong assails you and your mind starts wandering back to the good old days in the familiar environment.

These side effects are almost all inevitable, and you will have to go through them in order to feel truly at home in your new country. So before you go seeking removal companies, removal vans and house movers, make sure you can handle all these side effects because depression is the last thing you want when going abroad. 

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