How Does eBay Delivery Work

The Internet has definitely changed every aspect of our lives – and in a very short times span too. These days, we can barely imagine our lives without it: we socialize online, we entertain ourselves online and some of us even run successful businesses online.

Of all the great marketplaces on the Internet, eBay is without any kind of doubt one of the most powerful and most appreciated ones.

Opening an eBay shop can be quite profitable especially because you don’t have to pay rent for your shop’s “space” and because everything can be run from home, without the need to actually “go to work”.

If you are considering the idea of opening an eBay store though, make sure you understand how delivery services work in this case. Picking the right shipping company is essential for a successful online business of any kind (be it on eBay, Amazon or in any other place). You need to understand how this works to be able to provide your customers with the best service possible – otherwise, your business will not stand much chance of success precisely because your customers will find you unreliable.
Which are the most important things you should know about the eBay delivery system? Read on and find out more.

• eBay itself does not do the shipping – you have to take care of it. What you should understand as an eBay seller is that the site itself is just an intermediary between you and your customers. It’s a very nice one, that offers plenty of features to satisfy both of the parties, but in the end the selling-buying process is between you and your customers (of course, as long as it sticks to eBay’s rules).

• You have to select the right parcel delivery company. Really, this is one of the most important things when it comes to being successful on eBay. No way in the world should you ever look down on the importance of a good courier! Picking the right courier services is the very foundation of your business because without it, you and your customer will not be able to actually “strike a deal”.

• What you sell does have a lot of importance. Some people sell very large items on eBay – and in their case, man and van couriers are the best picks. Other people dell jewellery (and very expensive actually) and in their case a very safe company is needed. Pay attention to the kind of items you sell on eBay if you want to make sure you choose the right company for your needs. 

• Packing can make the difference. It is extremely important that you learn how to pack your parcels properly. On the one hand, this will lower the risk of having any kind of accident happen with your parcels (no customer is happy when his/her purchase gets there scratched – or even worse, broken!). On the other hand, it will help you save money. Keep in mind that some of the delivery companies will tax you based on how voluminous the package is, while others will tax you based on how heavy it is (and some will tax you both ways, depending on the case). Choosing the right box can thus be of great importance! 

• Don’t rush. Building a business (even if it’s an online one) takes time and patience – and a lot of shopping around to do. You really need to make sure you choose the right eBay delivery and you really need to inform yourself over how this entire process goes. This way, you will be able to offer your customers great service – and they will come back for more!

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