Plan Your Move Right

Relocation is a difficult process, both emotionally and physically. Moving house is the same as restarting your life in a completely new environment. Having to leave the neighbours who have become close friends can be emotionally exhausting. There are numerous worries that can cross your mind at these times – will the new neighbours be as helpful, will the kids enjoy the new playground, will there be good stores nearby, will the stuff be alright during transit, how to pack everything, etc. Hiring professional moving companies ensures that you have the most experienced movers to take care of your things during all stages of the move – from packing to unpacking.

Having them to help with the move can ease out a lot of things but that does not mean that your responsibilities end here.

There are so many other tiny errands that need to be taken care of before and after you move that it is very easy to let one of them slip out of your mind. Writing it down as it occurs to you ensures that you will tackle it in the future. You should begin your checklist at least one month prior to the moving date, so that every task can be taken care of in time.

Some chores might take longer than a day to finish, but it is essential to allot specific deadlines by which to complete them. Here is an ideal moving checklist that can be used to have an easy relocation process:

A month before moving

1. Find a reliable moving company.

2. Get quotes and book the dates with the best removals service.

3. Confirm the moving date with your new landlord or estate agent.

4. Inform your landlords, friends and neighbours about the moving date so that they can be available to help if needed.

5. Notify the bank, post office and other service providers about the change in address.

6. Complete the home improvements before you move in.

7. Start clearing out the junk that you don’t want to carry forward to your new place.

8. Begin packing away things that you will probably not need before your move.

9. Get new deliveries made, either to the old address or new, as convenient as possible and arrange for someone to receive them.

10. Clean and fumigate the new house.

Two weeks before moving

1. Donate things you won’t need like old books, clothes, household articles etc. 

2. Transfer registration from your present GP to the one in your new locality.

3. Even if you have notified the post office, the process might take some time. So let your new tenants know where to forward your mails or arrange for a convenient time to come by and pick them up.

4. Pay all bills for services at the old property and discontinue those you won’t need at the new house.

5. Arrange for friends to look after children and pets during the move.

6. Make sure the movers know the addresses and that parking is arranged for prior to moving day.

7. Make sure that you are not leaving behind any new damages in the old home.

8. Label boxes with the contents so that it is easier for you to find what you need in the new home.

9. Also, make sure you put things that belong to one room in one box and label the box according to which room it goes into in your new home.

10. Put away the important documents and other valuables in a safe deposit box or bank or leave them with a friend to collect later.

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