Tips for Leaving a Student House

Moving out of a student house can be, at the same time, a blessing and a curse. For all the fun and the whimsy (and the studying) which goes on within the walls, the typical student household is not noted for its cleanliness or its hygiene. When it comes to moving out, whether it’s on to a different student home, out into the real world or back with the parents, there are several things which should usually be considered before you hand back the keys. Making a mental checklist before you leave can help make sure that everything is covered.

One of the most important things to consider when leaving is the security deposit.

This will likely have been a large sum of money, paid to ensure that no damage is done to the property. Before you leave, you and your housemates should make a concerted effort to leave the home in a top class condition. The better state the home is in, the more money you are likely to receive back from the landlord. It might be possible for the landlord to point out any issues before the last day, giving you time to address these concerns.

Before leaving, take a moment to make sure the bills are all paid and up to date. Notify your utilities company in order to make sure they know of your departure and to clear any outstanding bills. This will prevent any charges being racked up in your absence. Similarly, transfer the TV licence to a new property to ensure you maintain it. With this in mind, it is now simply a case of packing away everything you own and very carefully moving it along to the next property. As the last person, make sure to check every room before you leave to ensure that nothing is left behind.

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